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From classic ghost stories to gothic tales with an eerie modern twist, our chilling ebooks, audiobooks, and podcasts will haunt you — delightfully. Frightful stories of witches, exorcisms, and murderous neighbors by celebrated writers like Mary Shelley and Stephen Graham Jones are scarily easy to find with a Everand subscription.


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Piñata: A Novel
Piñata: A Novel
Piñata: A Novel
Piñata: A Novel

Piñata: A Novel

byLeopoldo Gout

A Head Full of Ghosts meets Mexican Gothic in Piñata, a terrifying possession tale by author and artist Leopoldo Gout. Carmen Sanchez is back in her home country of Mexico, overseeing the renovation of an ancient cathedral into a boutique hotel. Her teen daughters, Izel and Luna, are with her for the summer, and left to fill their afternoons unsupervised in a foreign city. The locals treat the Sanchez women like outsiders, while Carmen's contractors openly defy and sabotage her work. After a disastrous accident at the construction site nearly injures Luna, Carmen's had enough. They're leaving. Back home in New York, malevolent and unexplainable happenings seem to swarm the Sanchez family, throwing their lives into chaos. And it might be too late for them to escape what's been awakened... Inspired by the true, horrific history of how the Spanish conquistadors used piñatas to force Aztec children to break their gods, Piñata is a possession horror story about how the sinister repercussions of our past can return to haunt us.

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